Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.


Level 5, 67 Albert Ave
Chatswood, NSW, 2067

Freeing up business from social media duties to focus on growth and management.



Social Media Solutions for Business

Service & Pricing

All business need a solid presence on social media.  Kaizoku Alliance is there to provide a consistent presence to build your relevance, credibility and approachability as a business for current and future customers.  Your business is in control and you can cancel at any time by giving us 14 days notice.  There is no lock in contracts unless you want it.

^ Due to limited spaces available, you may be placed on a waiting list


For business who use Stripe, you can pay for this monthly service by clicking on the the button below.  Unfortunately Fortnightly installments are not available at this stage.

Kaizoku Alliance reserves the right to cancel or refuse your business account.



